
Poltergeists - A poltergeist is a spirit
or sometimes disembodied energy. These things have been around at least as long as the ancient Roman times and have also been
found in records of medieval times as well and are still being reported today. They have many similarities
with ghosts, except that they are often a lot more destructive. They have been known to start fires, cause objects to fly,
create loud noises, passing solid objects through closed doors or walls, and can even become visible apparitions on
rare occasions. They are most known for throwing rocks and dirt. Unlike ghosts, they are usually not connected with any dead
person or tragic event. They often come and go quite suddenly. They can last for only hours at a time to many years at a time.
It is unusual though for a poltergeist to stick around for any longer than a couple of months.
During poltergeist occurrences it's rare for apparitions to appear. However, for the ones that do appear
there have been many in animal forms. During the Bell Witch incident, which is usually referred to as a poltergeist
case, an apparition that looked like a dog and another that resembled a turkey was seen. In the Epworth poltergeist
incident, an animal that looked like a headless badger, as well as something that sort of looked like a white rabbit
was witnessed. Most of these strange apparitions are transparent and when one tries to touch or strike them, their hand and
feet go right through the unnatural visions. The movements of the apparitions can sometimes look strange and unnatural, or
in other words, the animal apparitions don't always move in the way that the real animal would move. Some poltergeists can be very harmful. It doesn't
happen very often but this type can possibly be demons or very angry spirits. I hope to cover the topic of demons soon because
although they are a rare paranormal occurrence, they are something I believe should be gone over on this collection paranormal information. If you ever experience a problem like this it's best you call a
professional. If you try to get rid of it on your own it might make things worse. Of course chances are very, very slim that
this will ever happen to you or anyone you know.....so don't get scared;)
One other thing that a poltergeist can be is that it might come from someone around the disturbance that is
unknowingly and involuntarily causing it through repressed psychokinetic energy. Usually a child or teenager. Often
in a poltergeist case there is one person that is always present during poltergeist activity. On the other hand, poltergeists
have also been known to target certain individuals for abuse and worse and one would think that most of the time, even subconsciously,
a person would not want to harm themselves, just their surroundings.
My illustration of a Poltergeist |
Here are some descriptions of actual poltergeists.
The Enfield Poltergeist- This poltergeist shook up a family of five which consisted of a
mother, her two sons and her two daughters. It moved furniture, knocked on there walls, and made Lego's and marbles fly
around. One of the Lego's actually smacked right into a photographers forehead and left a mark which lasted a week! The
paranormal activity lasted a couple of years. Then the SPR* showed up and caught two of the children faking poltergeist
activity. It seems like after the real poltergeist had left, the children began to recreate the activity in order to continue
getting all the extra attention.
Doddleston Poltergeist - In 1984 this England poltergeist
wrote weird notes and poems on the computer, and also on the floors of the cottage. Since it likes writing so much maybe
it should make its' own paranormal website. J-K;)
Mulhouse Poltergeist-
This poltergeist would create baby and animal sounds, make the table dance, abused a woman by punching and scratching
her and it even tried to strangle the poor woman with its' "cold hands" . This poltergeist needs anger
* SPR is abbreviated for Society for physical research. To learn more
about the SPR go to the History page




If you are really interested in poltergeists,
you should read about the Bell house and the "witch" that haunted it. Although some classify this case as a haunting,
and the "witch" as a ghost, most of the phenomena that occurred was typical poltergeist activity. This poltergeist
case is very important because it is one of the most well documented poltergeist cases out there. The poltergeist
itself was also unusually powerful for it constantly abused the family and it eventually took a life. Not even an exorcism
could remove the unwanted spirit. The link to the story is right below. If you are really interested in poltergeists,
you should read about the Bell house and the "witch" that haunted it. Although some classify this case as a haunting,
and the "witch" as a ghost, most of the phenomena that occurred was typical poltergeist activity. This poltergeist
case is very important because it is one of the most well documented poltergeist cases out there. The poltergeist
itself was also unusually powerful for it constantly abused the family and it eventually took a life. Not even an exorcism
could remove the unwanted spirit. The link to the story is right below.
The Bell Witch Story
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