
This month I decided that I should point out
the reasons for why we should, and do study all kinds of paranormal phenomena. I know that at least half of the people that
go ghost hunting are just out to have fun and get some kicks but sometimes it seems like many of the more serious ghost hunters
and paranormal investigators are more interested in getting publicity and a few more bucks in there pockets than focusing
on the reasons of why paranormal investigating began in the first place. Now I’m not saying there is anything wrong
with having fun, getting noticed, or even making some money with your paranormal interests. I am simply saying that we should
try not to forget that paranormal investigating was originally done in order to find answers to how and why supernatural phenomena
exists in the first place. Getting closer to the truth
can be achieved if we keep digging for answers. How can we do that you ask. Well, when you are recording evp, using the help
of a medium, or asking questions from ghosts and spirits in any form, you should throw in some general questions about the
realm in which they exist, what are they capable of doing and not capable of doing, do they answer to a higher power, how
do they travel, or any other kind of question that can shed some light on their spiritual existence. Compare your responses
from several spiritual “interviews” and see if there are any similarities in your data and the data of other paranormal
investigators. If you keep getting the same answers to the same questions you asked of several spirits, then you may have
discovered some credible paranormal information. Secondly,
never loose or throw away of your old data from past investigations. You never know when that old information will become
useful again. You may come to find that a location that has been inactive of paranormal phenomena has all of the sudden “come
back to life” so to speak. You may also find some old information containing similar patterns to some recently obtained
data. A good paranormal investigator will always keep their data well organized and up to date. When you begin a paranormal investigation you want to conduct it like a detective entering
a crime scene. First you want to gather all of the evidence that you can. Secondly, you want to rule out any human or natural
causes for the phenomena that has taken place. Once you are able to do that then you want to find you what kind of paranormal
phenomena is causing the activity. If it is spiritual than you should attempt to communicate with it in order to learn all
you can. Remember to always use fresh, unused tape when recording evp. That will prevent anyone from claiming you evidence
to be old recordings that bled through to the new recording. Do not use any unnatural lighting when taking pictures and video
taping whenever possible. Flashes and other lighting can be reflected resembling orbs, vortexes, and other paranormal phenomena
which you will want to avoid. You only want to capture the real thing.
Basically, the more we learn about the paranormal, the better we will be able to deal with it. Our goal should be to shed
light on a very puzzling subject. One day we would like to finally be able to prove or disprove the existence of life after
death, and maybe even an answer to the question of why we are here. Even those that are ghost hunting for fun should do their
best to gather as much information and evidence as possible in the event that a very major paranormal occurrence takes place
during their ghost hunt. You never know when the supernatural will pop into your life and when and if it does, you should
try to capture as much of that event as possible for the sake of science. Max Rodegher Author of Studies of the Paranormal

